Return and Refund Policy

We want you to love the product you ordered! But just in case you're not 100% satisfied, our return process is super easy.

Order modification/cancellation
If you would like to modify/cancel your order, please contact our size glasses customer service team. Cancellations are accepted up to 6 hours after the order has been placed. If you wish to cancel your order after 6 hours, it will be handled according to the return policy.

14 Days Returns
Frames and product packaging should be in their original condition and include accessories and gifts, and the packaging needs to be properly stored. There will be no negative impact on secondary sales. Unsatisfactory products can be returned within 14 days of receipt. No returns after 14 days.
About Refund
Refunds will be made in the same manner as the original payment. Your refund will be processed within 3-7 business days of request. Refunds are 85% of the original total price for non-prescription eyeglasses and 70% of the original total price for prescription eyeglasses.

365 Day Warranty
A 365-day warranty is provided (from the date of receipt of the product) covering obvious defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty does not cover damage caused by accident, neglect or improper care.